You wake up in a bathtub. It's full of spaghettio's
<img src="" style="height:300px;">
[[taste the sauce]]
[[climb out]]Gross. Why would you do that?
[[keep eating]]
[[submerge yourself]]
[[get out]]Ya, good call. That was weird.
[[look around]]Wow. Ok. I guess we're doing this, huh..
[[reconsider life choices that led you to this dark place]]Well that took a little too long, but that's fine I guess.
[[look around]] It's dark.
[[peer into the dark]]Uh oh.. Spaghettio. You finish licking the last O off of the bathrub drain. Far off, your parents find themselves wondering where they went wrong.
Think about what you've done.Think. Think and wonder. Wonder and think.
[[I wonder if there's more inside the bathroom sink..]]
[[get out]] You know.. it seemed like some weird folk tale mystery at first, but I have a sneaking feeling that you've done this to yourself.
[[but that sink tho]]
[[get out]] There is no sink. Your obsession has blinded you. We're done here.
[[get back in the tub|commit]]Your eyes adjust to the darkness and you see a row of bathtubs. Yours appears to be the only special one (full of gross pasta). You look on the ground and see a heap of empty tin cans.
[[scream]]You scream.
Your voice echos off the high ceilings and vast... aisles?
[[what is this place?]]
[[scream again]]You think super hard. Firing every available neuron. Your head starts feeling a little warm as you finally see an exit sign in the distance.
[[proceed calmly toward the exit]]
[[run. very fast and straight forward]] A real problem solver. You scream again..
That didn't really make you feel any better. But you've done it. So there's that.
[[Look for an exit]]
[[run. very fast and straight forward]]Good idea.Oh, ok. You run like an anime ninja, arms flailing behind you for some reason. So fast. I bet the human eye couldn't even detect you. Cool choice.You drowned. In Spaghettio's. Wow.